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Elegua Botanica Psychic Power Games



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Divine Connection: The Sun represents the connection to the Divine Source, the ultimate creator and sustainer of life. It is the gateway to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Solar Magnetism: The Sun emanates a powerful magnetic energy that can be harnessed to attract positive experiences, people, and opportunities into one's life.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Solar Clairvoyance: The ability to see with the "eyes of the soul," accessing profound wisdom and understanding beyond ordinary perception. This includes the capacity to perceive the divine plan and one's higher purpose.

  • Solar Healing: The Sun enables the ability to channel powerful healing energies, both for oneself and others, by tapping into the limitless source of vital life force.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing sun gazing practices during sunrise or sunset can greatly amplify one's solar energy and psychic abilities, but must be done with caution and proper guidance to avoid damage to the physical eyes.

  • Creating and charging solar talismans or amulets during powerful solar events, such as the summer solstice or a solar eclipse, can infuse them with immense solar energy for manifestation and protection.


  1. Solar Scavenger Hunt:

  • Objective: Develop psychic sensing, intuition, and object reading.

  • Instructions: Create a scavenger hunt list of sun-related items (e.g., yellow crystals, sunflowers, gold objects). Each team member takes turns using their intuition to locate an item on the list. Once found, they hold the object and attempt to psychically read its energy, describing any sensations, emotions, or visions they perceive. The team discusses the accuracy of the readings and any insights gained. The team that finds and accurately reads the most items wins.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Emotional Alchemy: The Moon grants the power to transmute and alchemize emotions, using them as a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation.

  • Lunar Magnetism: The Moon's magnetic energy can be harnessed to attract desired experiences and manifest intentions, especially those related to emotions, intuition, and subconscious desires.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Lunar Empathy: The ability to deeply attune to the emotions and energy of others, even from a distance, and to use this understanding for healing and guidance.

  • Lunar Precognition: The Moon enhances the ability to receive precognitive dreams and visions, offering glimpses into probable futures and potential outcomes.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Collecting and charging moon water during a full moon can create a powerful elixir for emotional healing, psychic enhancement, and manifestation rituals.

  • Syncing one's menstrual cycle with the lunar cycle can greatly amplify intuitive abilities and emotional balance, tapping into the deep wisdom of the divine feminine.


  1. Dream Sharing and Interpretation Circle:

  • Objective: Enhance dream recall, symbolic interpretation, and intuitive guidance.

Instructions: Before the session, each person sets the intention to remember their dreams and records them upon waking. In the circle, each person shares a significant dream they had. The group takes turns offering intuitive interpretations, focusing on the symbols, emotions, and potential messages within the dream. The dreamer provides feedback on the accuracy and relevance of the interpretations. Discuss any common themes or collective messages that emerge from the shared dreams.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Hyper-Communication: Mercury enables the ability to communicate across multiple dimensions and realms, including with higher beings, guides, and ancestors.

  • Quantum Cognition: It grants the power to process and integrate information at a quantum level, accessing knowledge and understanding beyond the limitations of linear thinking.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Telepathic Projection: The ability to not only receive telepathic messages but also to project one's thoughts and intentions into the minds of others, influencing their perceptions and decisions.

  • Akashic Access: Mercury facilitates the ability to tap into the Akashic Records, the universal library of all knowledge and experiences, to retrieve information and wisdom.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing mercury retrograde rituals, such as communication cleansing and technology blessings, can help mitigate the challenges and harness the transformative potential of these periods.

  • Creating sigils or symbols imbued with mercurial energy can enhance mental clarity, learning, and adaptability in any situation.


  1. Psychic Story Co-Creation:

  • Objective: Enhance creative clairvoyance, telepathic collaboration, and intuitive storytelling.

Instructions: The group collectively creates a story using their psychic abilities. One person begins by sharing a short, intuitive vision or scene. The next person picks up the story thread, adding their own psychically inspired continuation. The story unfolds as each participant contributes, focusing on maintaining a cohesive narrative flow. Encourage participants to tune into the energy and direction of the story, allowing their intuition to guide the plot. After the story concludes, discuss the process, any challenges, and the insights gained through collaborative psychic creation.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Heart Coherence: Venus grants the power to attune the heart to the frequency of love and compassion, creating a state of coherence that attracts harmonious experiences and relationships.

  • Aesthetic Alchemy: It enables the ability to transform and elevate the energy of any space or situation through the power of beauty, art, and sensory delights.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Empathic Healing: The ability to use empathic attunement to identify and heal emotional wounds and blockages in others, facilitating their spiritual growth and wholeness.

  • Clairsentient Creation: Venus enhances the ability to manifest desires and intentions through the power of feeling and sensation, using the body as a vessel for creation.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Venusian rituals, such as love spells or beauty treatments, during Venus' powerful positions (e.g., in Libra or Taurus) can amplify their effectiveness and attune one to the frequency of love and harmony.

  • Working with copper, the metal associated with Venus, in magical rituals and talismans can greatly enhance one's attractiveness, charm, and ability to create harmonious relationships.


  1. Love Language Telepathy:

  • Objective: Enhance telepathic communication, emotional understanding, and relationship harmony.

Instructions: Divide the group into pairs, preferably with people who have close relationships (e.g., partners, friends, family members). Each person writes down their primary love language (e.g., words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service) without revealing it to their partner. They then attempt to telepathically send and receive each other's love language. After the exchange, they share their written love languages and discuss the accuracy of their telepathic perceptions. Explore how understanding and honoring love languages can strengthen relationships.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Alchemical Willpower: Mars grants the power to transmute destructive impulses and aggression into constructive action and assertiveness, harnessing the fire of willpower for personal transformation.

  • Energetic Shielding: It enables the ability to create powerful energetic shields and boundaries, protecting oneself and others from negative influences and psychic attacks.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Psychic Warrior Skills: Mars enhances the ability to navigate and triumph in psychic battles and challenges, using intuition and strategy to overcome obstacles and achieve victory.

  • Motivation Amplification: The ability to amplify one's own motivation and inspire others to take bold action towards their goals, tapping into the primal force of desire and ambition.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Mars rituals, such as fire ceremonies or warrior initiations, during Mars' powerful positions (e.g., in Aries or Scorpio) can greatly enhance one's courage, strength, and ability to overcome challenges.

  • Working with iron, the metal associated with Mars, in magical rituals and talismans can boost one's vitality, assertiveness, and protection against negative energies.


  1. Psychic Warrior Training Circuit:

  • Objective: Enhance psychic protection, energy shielding, and assertiveness.

  • Instructions: Set up a series of stations that challenge participants' psychic warrior skills. These may include:

  • Visualizing a strong, protective energy shield around oneself.

  • Practicing assertive communication with a partner, using firm and clear psychic boundaries.

  • Engaging in a guided meditation to confront and transform inner fears or doubts.

  • Performing physical exercises or martial arts movements to build strength and confidence.

  • Participants rotate through the stations, focusing on developing their psychic protection and assertiveness. Discuss the importance of maintaining strong energetic boundaries and the role of Mars energy in psychic self-defense.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Quantum Luck: Jupiter grants the power to tap into the quantum field of infinite possibilities, attracting synchronicities, opportunities, and lucky breaks that align with one's highest path and purpose.

  • Karmic Acceleration: It enables the ability to accelerate one's karmic growth and evolution, expanding consciousness and wisdom at a rapid pace.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Prophetic Vision: Jupiter enhances the ability to receive prophetic visions and insights, glimpsing the grand design of the universe and one's role within it.

  • Morphic Resonance: The ability to tap into the collective wisdom and experiences of all beings, across time and space, to access knowledge and guidance.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Jupiter rituals, such as abundance meditations or gratitude practices, during Jupiter's powerful positions (e.g., in Sagittarius or Pisces) can greatly amplify one's luck, expansion, and spiritual growth.

  • Working with tin, the metal associated with Jupiter, in magical rituals and talismans can attract abundance, opportunities, and positive influences into one's life.


  1. Jupiterian Storytelling and Synchronicity Sharing:

  • Objective: Enhance intuitive communication, pattern recognition, and appreciation for life's synchronicities.

  • Instructions: Invite participants to share personal stories or experiences that illustrate Jupiter's energy of expansion, growth, and synchronicity. These may include:

  • Unexpected opportunities or blessings that arose during challenging times.

  • Serendipitous encounters or events that led to personal or professional growth.

  • Insights or lessons gained through travel, education, or philosophical exploration.

  • Encourage participants to focus on the intuitive messages and patterns woven throughout their stories, and how these experiences have shaped their beliefs and understanding of the world. After each story, the group reflects on the Jupiterian themes and lessons, and how they can apply this wisdom to their own lives. Discuss the power of storytelling and synchronicity in fostering a sense of connection, meaning, and expansion.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Karmic Mastery: Saturn grants the power to master one's karmic lessons and patterns, breaking free from limiting cycles and achieving self-realization.

  • Temporal Navigation: It enables the ability to navigate and manipulate the fabric of time, accessing past lives, parallel realities, and future probabilities.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Akashic Wisdom: Saturn enhances the ability to access the deepest layers of the Akashic Records, retrieving ancient wisdom and karmic understanding.

  • Psychic Structuring: The ability to create stable and grounded psychic structures, such as thought-forms or astral temples, that can withstand the test of time.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Saturn rituals, such as shadow work or ancestor healing, during Saturn's powerful positions (e.g., in Capricorn or Aquarius) can greatly accelerate one's karmic resolution and spiritual mastery.

  • Working with lead, the metal associated with Saturn, in magical rituals and talismans can enhance one's discipline, focus, and ability to overcome limitations.


  1. Time Travel Timeline:

  • Objective: Explore past life lessons, future potentials, and the continuity of the soul's journey.

  • Instructions: Guide participants in creating a personal timeline that spans multiple lifetimes, both past and future. Provide them with materials to visually represent their timeline, such as paper, pens, and markers. Encourage them to use their intuition and imagination to explore:

  • Significant past life events, challenges, or accomplishments that have shaped their current life lessons and purpose.

  • Potential future life experiences, roles, or achievements that align with their soul's ongoing evolution and growth.

  • The common themes, patterns, or lessons that bridge their past, present, and future lifetimes.

  • Participants share their timelines with the group, discussing the insights and realizations gained through this exploration. Reflect on how understanding the continuity of the soul's journey can provide a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, and motivation for personal growth in the present.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Quantum Leaping: Uranus grants the power to make quantum leaps in consciousness and reality, bypassing linear time and space to access higher dimensions and possibilities.

  • Divine Rebellion: It enables the ability to break free from limiting patterns and structures, both internally and externally, to align with one's true essence and purpose.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Cosmic Downloads: Uranus enhances the ability to receive sudden downloads of cosmic information and insights, often in the form of "eureka" moments or flashes of brilliance.

  • Reality Hacking: The ability to hack and reprogram the matrix of reality, using the power of intention and innovation to create quantum shifts and breakthroughs.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Uranus rituals, such as future visioning or technology blessings, during Uranus' powerful positions (e.g., in Aquarius or Taurus) can greatly amplify one's intuition, innovation, and ability to create positive change.

  • Working with uranium, the radioactive element associated with Uranus, in highly advanced and cautionary magical rituals can catalyze profound transformation and awakening, but should only be attempted by the most experienced and grounded practitioners.


  1. Uranian Invention Brainstorm:

  • Objective: Stimulate creativity, innovation, and out-of-the-box thinking.

Instructions: Divide participants into small groups and challenge each group to brainstorm a revolutionary invention or solution to a pressing global issue. The invention should embody Uranus' energy of innovation, progress, and radical change. Encourage participants to think beyond current limitations and imagine futuristic possibilities. Groups can sketch, describe, or present their inventions in creative ways. After the brainstorm, each group shares their invention with the larger group, discussing the potential impact and challenges of bringing their ideas to life. Reflect on how Uranus' energy can inspire us to think differently and create positive change in the world.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Cosmic Dissolution: Neptune grants the power to dissolve the boundaries between self and the universe, merging with the oneness of all that is.

  • Dream Weaving: It enables the ability to weave and manipulate the fabric of dreams, using the dream realm as a powerful tool for healing, guidance, and manifestation.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Astral Projection: Neptune enhances the ability to consciously separate from the physical body and travel in the astral realms, accessing higher dimensions and alternate realities.

  • Channeling: The ability to become a clear channel for divine wisdom and creativity, allowing higher beings and forces to communicate through oneself.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Neptune rituals, such as dream incubation or ocean ceremonies, during Neptune's powerful positions (e.g., in Pisces or Aquarius) can greatly enhance one's intuition, imagination, and connection to the divine.

  • Working with neptunium, the radioactive element associated with Neptune, in highly advanced and cautionary magical rituals can induce profound states of cosmic consciousness and unity, but should only be attempted by the most experienced and spiritually grounded practitioners.


  1. Neptunian Dream Circle:

  • Objective: Enhance dream recall, interpretation, and collective dream exploration.

Instructions: Invite participants to keep a dream journal for a week leading up to the circle. During the circle, participants take turns sharing a significant or recurring dream they experienced. The group explores the dream's symbolism, emotions, and potential messages, offering intuitive insights and interpretations. Encourage participants to draw connections between their dreams and waking life experiences, and to consider how the dreams may reflect collective themes or archetypes. Discuss the role of Neptune's energy in accessing the subconscious mind and tapping into universal wisdom through dreams.



Metaphysical Powers:

  • Soul Alchemy: Pluto grants the power to transmute and rebirth the very essence of one's soul, shedding karmic baggage and aligning with one's true divine nature.

  • Shadow Mastery: It enables the ability to confront and integrate one's deepest fears, traumas, and shadow aspects, transforming them into sources of power and healing.

Advanced Psychic Abilities:

  • Psychic Surgery: Pluto enhances the ability to perform deep psychic healing and transformation, removing blockages and negative patterns at the root level.

  • Shamanic Journeying: The ability to traverse the underworld and upperworld realms, retrieving lost soul fragments and accessing powerful allies and guides.

Metaphysical Secrets:

  • Performing Pluto rituals, such as shadow dancing or death meditations, during Pluto's powerful positions (e.g., in Scorpio or Capricorn) can greatly accelerate one's spiritual transformation and rebirth.

  • Working with plutonium, the highly radioactive element associated with Pluto, in extremely advanced and cautionary magical rituals can induce profound ego death and regeneration, but should only be attempted by the most experienced, grounded, and spiritually mature practitioners.


  1. Plutonian Past Life Regression:

  • Objective: Access past life memories, uncover karmic patterns, and gain insights into the soul's journey.

Instructions: Guide participants through a past life regression meditation, using Pluto's energy of depth and transformation to facilitate the process. Begin by helping participants relax and enter a deep, trance-like state. Encourage them to set an intention to access a past life that holds significance for their current spiritual growth. Guide them through a visualization that takes them back in time, allowing them to explore the details and emotions of the past life experience. Prompt participants to observe any recurring themes, challenges, or lessons that may be relevant to their current life. After the regression, participants share their experiences with the group, discussing how the insights gained can help them understand and transform present-day patterns or challenges.


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