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Mercury retrograde occurs when the inner planet appears to move backward, moving from east to west rather than west to east for a few weeks

Some say that during Mercury retrograde, you can try to slow down, be patient, and try not to stress.

Here are some things you can try:

  • Take your time

    Give yourself extra time for things, and be on the lookout for typos and mistakes. When communicating, you can pause to collect your thoughts and give others time to respond.

  • Be patient and understanding

    Misunderstandings are more likely to happen during this time, so try to be flexible and adaptable. You can also try to find compassion for yourself and others.

  • Think before you speak

    If you're feeling at a loss for words, you can take a few deep breaths.

  • Double check your work

    Before sending emails, messages, or letters, make sure everything is correct. You can also read the fine print on anything you sign.

  • Finish current projects

    You can also try reorganizing your space, like moving furniture or mounting artwork.

  • Reflect and plan

    You can take stock of what's going on in your life and let go of things that no longer suit you. You can also reflect on your goals and plan for the future

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