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The Days of the Week Each Orisha Rules: Deepening Your Connection to the Divine

In the Yoruba religion and its diaspora traditions, such as Santeria and Candomble, understanding the relationship between the Orishas and the days of the week is crucial for practitioners seeking to strengthen their spiritual bonds. Each day carries the energy and influence of specific Orishas, providing unique opportunities for devotees to connect with these powerful deities, seek their guidance, and engage in activities that align with their essence. By exploring the colors, duties, and enjoyable activities associated with each Orisha and their corresponding day, practitioners can enrich their spiritual journey and foster a deeper connection to the divine.


Sunday: Obatala (Colors: White and Silver)

Obatala, the Sky Father and creator of human bodies, rules Sunday. As the Orisha of wisdom, purity, and moral righteousness, Obatala's energy promotes peace, clarity, and personal growth. Devotees can honor Obatala on Sundays by wearing white or silver, engaging in introspection, and participating in activities that promote tranquility and self-improvement.


Divine Obatala, Sky Father and creator of human bodies, Your wisdom, purity, and righteousness guide my path. As I wear the sacred colors of white and silver, I open my heart to your energy of peace and clarity. Grant me the strength to walk in moral uprightness, And the insight to make choices that align with my highest self. Through introspection and service to others, May I embody your divine essence and promote harmony in the world. Obatala, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of tranquility, growth, and understanding. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Sunday:

1. Meditate to achieve inner peace and clarity.

2. Engage in self-reflection and journal writing.

3. Participate in community service or charity work.

4. Create art that reflects Obatala's energy of purity and wisdom.

5. Practice yoga or gentle stretching to promote physical and mental balance.

6. Organize or declutter living spaces to create a serene environment.

7. Engage in activities that promote justice and equality.

8. Spend time in nature, appreciating its beauty and tranquility.

9. Prepare and share a meal with loved ones to foster unity and understanding.

10. Study sacred texts or engage in philosophical discussions to deepen spiritual knowledge.


Monday: Elegua (Colors: Red and Black)

Elegua, the Orisha of crossroads, choices, and opportunities, governs Monday. As the gatekeeper between the mortal and spiritual realms, Elegua offers wisdom, protection, and guidance to his followers. Practitioners can connect with Elegua on Mondays by wearing red and black, making offerings, and engaging in activities that promote communication, adaptability, and problem-solving.


Mighty Elegua, master of crossroads and divine messenger, Your wisdom and protection light the way through life's challenges. As I adorn myself in red and black, I call upon your energy of opportunity and transformation. Guide my decisions and open the doors to success, Help me navigate the paths of destiny with courage and adaptability. Through offerings and devotion, May I strengthen my connection to your divine guidance. Elegua, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of insight, protection, and positive change. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Monday:

1. Perform divination to seek guidance and clarity on important decisions.

2. Create or maintain an Elegua altar, offering candy, cigars, or other favored items.

3. Engage in problem-solving exercises or brain teasers to sharpen mental agility.

4. Practice effective communication skills through writing or public speaking.

5. Explore new paths or opportunities for personal or professional growth.

6. Engage in activities that promote adaptability and flexibility, such as trying new hobbies or learning new skills.

7. Volunteer as a mentor or guide to help others navigate life's challenges.

8. Study and interpret omens, signs, and synchronicities in daily life.

9. Engage in physical activities that require quick thinking and reflexes, such as martial arts or dance.

10. Participate in community events or gatherings to foster connection and exchange ideas.


Tuesday: Ogun (Colors: Green and Black)

Ogun, the mighty Orisha of war, iron, and technology, rules Tuesday. Embodying strength, courage, and perseverance, Ogun is revered for his ability to overcome obstacles and forge paths forward. Devotees can honor Ogun on Tuesdays by wearing green and black, making offerings, and engaging in activities that promote determination, innovation, and physical strength.


Powerful Ogun, Orisha of war, iron, and technology, Your strength, courage, and perseverance inspire me to overcome obstacles. As I wear the colors of green and black, I invoke your energy of determination and innovation. Grant me the resilience to face life's battles, And the skill to forge new paths to success. Through hard work and dedication, May I embody your warrior spirit and achieve my goals. Ogun, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of strength, ingenuity, and victory. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Tuesday:

1. Engage in physical exercise or strength training to build resilience and stamina.

2. Practice martial arts or self-defense techniques to cultivate courage and discipline.

3. Engage in metalworking, blacksmithing, or other crafts that honor Ogun's association with iron and technology.

4. Study military history or strategy to gain insight into Ogun's warrior energy.

5. Participate in outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping, to connect with nature and overcome challenges.

6. Engage in problem-solving or troubleshooting tasks to develop perseverance and ingenuity.

7. Volunteer for community projects that require physical labor or technical skills.

8. Practice goal-setting and create action plans to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

9. Engage in competitive sports or games that require determination and strategy.

10. Study and work with herbs and plants associated with Ogun, such as eucalyptus or black pepper.


Wednesday: Oya and Babalú-Ayé (Colors: Purple, Red, and Brown)

Oya, the Orisha of wind, storms, and transformation, and Babalú-Ayé, the Orisha of disease and healing, share dominion over Wednesday. Oya is celebrated for her power, agility, and ability to facilitate change, while Babalú-Ayé is revered for his influence over health matters. Devotees can connect with these Orishas on Wednesdays by wearing purple, red, or brown, making offerings, and engaging in activities that promote transformation, healing, and personal growth.


Transformative Oya and healing Babalú-Ayé, Your combined energies bring change, renewal, and well-being. As I wear the colors of purple, red, and brown, I call upon your powers of transformation and healing. Oya, guide me through life's storms and help me embrace change, Babalú-Ayé, grant me the strength to overcome illness and maintain balance. Through rituals and offerings, May I harness your energies for personal growth and vitality. Oya and Babalú-Ayé, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of transformation, healing, and resilience. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Wednesday:

1. Engage in transformative practices, such as therapy, coaching, or self-help exercises.

2. Participate in healing rituals or energy work, such as reiki or acupuncture.

3. Study and work with herbs and plants associated with healing, such as echinacea or chamomile.

4. Engage in activities that promote emotional release, such as journaling or art therapy.

5. Practice wind-related activities, such as kite-flying or sailing, to connect with Oya's energy.

6. Engage in dance or movement practices that promote fluidity and adaptability.

7. Volunteer at healthcare facilities or support groups to offer comfort and assistance to those in need.

8. Study and discuss topics related to health, wellness, and disease prevention.

9. Participate in community clean-up projects or environmental initiatives to promote healing and transformation.

10. Engage in storm magic or weather-related rituals to connect with Oya's powerful energy.


Thursday: Orula and Obatala (Colors: Green and White)

Orula, the Orisha of wisdom, divination, and destiny, and Obatala, the Sky Father and Orisha of purity and righteousness, are both associated with Thursday. Orula offers guidance and insight into life's paths, while Obatala promotes clarity, wisdom, and ethical behavior. Practitioners can honor these Orishas on Thursdays by wearing green and white, making offerings, and engaging in activities that promote learning, self-reflection, and spiritual growth.


Wise Orula and righteous Obatala, Your combined energies illuminate the path of destiny and truth. As I wear the colors of green and white, I open myself to your guidance and clarity. Orula, reveal to me the secrets of my destiny and help me make wise choices, Obatala, grant me the purity of heart to live in alignment with my highest purpose. Through divination and self-reflection, May I gain the knowledge and wisdom to fulfill my life's mission. Orula and Obatala, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of insight, righteousness, and spiritual growth. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Thursday:

1. Engage in divination practices, such as Ifa, tarot, or oracle reading, to seek guidance and insight.

2. Study sacred texts, philosophy, or spiritual teachings to deepen understanding and wisdom.

3. Participate in meditation or contemplative practices to achieve clarity and inner peace.

4. Engage in self-reflection exercises, such as journaling or discussing personal growth with a mentor.

5. Attend or organize study groups or workshops to share knowledge and insights with others.

6. Practice ethical decision-making and engage in activities that promote justice and righteousness.

7. Engage in creative pursuits that honor Obatala's energy of purity and clarity, such as painting or poetry.

8. Volunteer as a tutor or mentor to help others develop their knowledge and skills.

9. Participate in rituals or ceremonies that honor ancestors and seek their wisdom and guidance.

10. Engage in activities that promote mental clarity and focus, such as solving puzzles or playing strategy games.


Friday: Shango and Oshun (Colors: Red, Yellow, Orange and Gold)

Shango, the Orisha of thunder, justice, and courage, and Oshun, the Orisha of love, beauty, and fertility, are both associated with Friday. Shango is celebrated for his bravery and sense of justice, while Oshun is revered for her beauty, creativity, and nurturing qualities. Devotees can connect with these Orishas on Fridays by wearing red and gold, making offerings, and engaging in activities that promote passion, creativity, and self-expression.


Courageous Shango and loving Oshun, Your combined energies ignite passion, creativity, and justice. As I wear the colors of red and gold, I invoke your powers of self-expression and empowerment. Shango, grant me the bravery to stand up for what is right and just, Oshun, fill my heart with love, beauty, and the joy of creativity. Through dance, music, and art, May I celebrate life's beauty and spread your divine energy to the world. Shango and Oshun, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of courage, passion, and abundance. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Friday:

1. Engage in creative pursuits, such as music, dance, or art, to honor Oshun's energy of beauty and creativity.

2. Practice self-care and beauty rituals, such as taking a luxurious bath or getting a massage.

3. Engage in activities that promote self-confidence and empowerment, such as public speaking or assertiveness training.

4. Participate in social justice initiatives or advocacy work to honor Shango's energy of justice and courage.

5. Attend or organize cultural events that celebrate music, dance, and the arts.

6. Engage in romantic or sensual activities with a partner to honor Oshun's energy of love and passion.

7. Practice forgiveness and conflict resolution to promote harmony and fairness in relationships.

8. Volunteer at women's shelters or support groups to offer nurturing and assistance to those in need.

9. Engage in activities that promote fertility and abundance, such as gardening or cooking nourishing meals.

10. Participate in drum circles or percussion workshops to connect with Shango's energy of thunder and rhythm.


Saturday: Yemaya (Colors: Blue and White)

Yemaya, the Orisha of the ocean, motherhood, and protection, rules Saturday. As the Universal Mother, Yemaya embodies nurturing, healing, and loving-kindness. Practitioners can honor Yemaya on Saturdays by wearing blue and white, making offerings, and engaging in activities that promote emotional healing, family bonding, and self-care.


Nurturing Yemaya, mother of the oceans and protector of humanity, Your love, healing, and compassion comfort me like the gentle waves. As I wear the colors of blue and white, I immerse myself in your energy of emotional healing and family harmony. Grant me the strength to overcome life's challenges with grace, And the wisdom to create a home filled with love and understanding. Through offerings and devotion, May I deepen my connection to your maternal energy and find solace in your embrace. Yemaya, I honor you on this sacred day, And pray for your blessings of healing, protection, and unconditional love. Ase.

Top 10 Activities for Practitioners on Saturday:

1. Spend time near bodies of water, such as the ocean or a lake, to connect with Yemaya's energy.

2. Engage in water-based activities, such as swimming, fishing, or boating, to honor Yemaya's domain.

3. Practice self-care and nurturing activities, such as taking a relaxing bath or enjoying a spa day.

4. Engage in family bonding activities, such as cooking a meal together or sharing stories and memories.

5. Participate in beach clean-up projects or ocean conservation initiatives to protect Yemaya's realm.

6. Engage in emotional healing practices, such as therapy, support groups, or forgiveness rituals.

7. Study and work with herbs and plants associated with Yemaya, such as seaweed or blue lotuses.

8. Attend or organize events that celebrate motherhood, such as baby showers or Mother's Day gatherings.

9. Engage in activities that promote emotional intelligence and empathy, such as active listening or volunteering at a crisis hotline.

10. Participate in rituals or ceremonies that honor ancestors and seek their protection and guidance.

By understanding the Orishas' associations with each day of the week and engaging in activities that align with their energies, practitioners can deepen their spiritual connections and integrate the wisdom of these divine beings into their daily lives. It is essential to remember that while these associations provide a framework for spiritual practice, personal experiences and intuition also play a significant role in one's relationship with the Orishas. By remaining open to the guidance of the divine and honoring the unique bond between practitioner and Orisha, individuals can create a rich and fulfilling spiritual journey that resonates with their own path.


  • Orishas

  • Yoruba religion

  • Santeria

  • Candomble

  • Days of the week

  • Spiritual practices

  • Obatala

  • Elegua

  • Ogun

  • Oya

  • Babalú-Ayé

  • Orula

  • Shango

  • Oshun

  • Yemaya

  • Rituals

  • Offerings

  • Colors

  • Activities

  • Divination

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